February 23, 2010

one fine day...

The box is finally open again, all I have to do is just sliiiiiiiide inside and I'm almost there. There's noone around and nobody will suspect. The inspection did not give away the wonderful quality of this magical box and now it just sat there under this table for who knows how long!
Plowing through the layer of styrafoam, now the plastic ..soon he would come through to the other end of the box and come into the mailroom of 77 King Street. Peter was so excited, he could almost taste the treats that waited for him on the other side. They had donuts there, and sunshine and laughter and would take him in. Not make him feel unwanted. They would not abandon him the way his owner had, leaving him on the floor to fend for himself. Here on the other side, he could feel like himself again. White and fuzzy and full of sugar.

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