February 18, 2010

FREE - take one

Randy couldn't believe his luck when he was picked up by the the starlet and her man. The sign did say that he was free, but he never imagined he'd end up with THEM! Life with his new owners was wonderful, they cleaned him and brushed him and treated him so wonderfully...he knew he did not deserve this, but it turned out ---they needed him as much as he needed them. The young investment bankers were right, there was no such thing as a free lunch.

Trickle down economics of the heart dictated that he pay them back somehow, perhaps a gesture of trust and appreciation on his part. She promised to be gentle with him as she slowly ripped each stitch along his back, and then he was naked. His insides out for them to see and he watched in horror as they carefully picked out pieces of him and laid them onto cigarette papers. Their fingers trembled as they worked away and far too soon, he smelled the flames and saw them dance with pleasure at his feet.

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